The middle school blue band is in search of a Waterphone that they can borrow for clinic. I had no idea, either, so a link is below.
If you happen to own one, please contact Jay Wilkerson and let him know.
West Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Association
The middle school blue band is in search of a Waterphone that they can borrow for clinic. I had no idea, either, so a link is below.
If you happen to own one, please contact Jay Wilkerson and let him know.
The job list for Saturday’s orchestra auditions is now available.
The parking map for All-West Orchestra auditions is now available.
The verification lists for All-West Orchestra auditions are below. Please email Bryan Scott at with corrections by Friday, November 8.
24-25 Middle School String Verification
WTSBOA is proud to offer Professional Development sessions for its membership during the All-West Convention. Please use the link to apply to present a session. The deadline to apply is November 15, 2024.
2024 All West Orchestra Auditions
Directors: Please use the following spreadsheets to register your students. There is a separate spreadsheet for each audition. Please note that you must copy and paste director information for each student entry. When finished, please ‘Save As’ your document and add your school’s name to the title of the Excel file, i.e. Germantown HS All West Band 11-12.xls. If you teach at multiple schools, a separate spreadsheet must be filled out for each one.
Please attach the saved and renamed excel file(s) to an email and send to:
Email Bryan Scott,
Registration for the Orchestra Solo and Ensemble on October 26th is now open.