Constitution and By-Laws

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Article I - The Association
SECTION 1. The name of this Association shall be the West Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Association.

SECTION 2. The purpose of the Association shall be to promote the study of instrumental music through band and/or orchestra programs in the schools of West Tennessee.

SECTION 3. The Association shall be affiliated with the Tennessee Music Education Association and the National Association for Music Education and through these bodies with the Tennessee Education Association and the National Education Association respectively.

SECTION 4. Membership.

A. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP shall be extended to any band or orchestra director of a graded public school, or accredited private school within the western division of the State of Tennessee upon payment ($100.00 by September 1) of the current annual WTSBOA dues provided the director maintains current membership in the National Association for Music Education. Schools needing to pay later because of budget concerns may request an extension on school letterhead signed by the principal prior to deadline.

B. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP may be granted to any person or party interested in the welfare of the Association and the promotion of instrumental music study in the schools of West Tennessee upon the payment of not less than $25.00 per year. Associate members have no voting privileges and cannot hold office or enter students in Association sponsored events.

C. Honorary membership may be conferred upon an individual who has rendered distinctive service in the promotion of instrumental music either inside or outside the State of Tennessee upon a unanimous vote by the association quorum at any regularly held meeting. Life membership will be conferred to all individuals inducted into the WTSBOA Hall of Fame immediately upon such induction. Honorary and Life Memberships will be awarded with financial cost. 

D. Higher Education music faculty membership may be granted to any higher education music faculty in the West TN Region that share in the interests and welfare of the association while promoting instrumental music study in the schools within our region. Payment shall not be less than $25 per year but will not require yearly membership in NAFME. Collegiate and applied music faculty members will have not voting privileges, cannot hold office, not enter students in association sponsored events. 

E. MUSIC SUPERVISOR MEMBERSHIP may be granted to any person affiliated with an accredited public or private school system within the western division of the State of Tennessee upon payment of the current annual ($25.00) Music Supervisor dues provided the Music Supervisor maintains current membership in the National Association for Music Education. Music Supervisor members have voting privileges and may hold office, but may not enter students in Association sponsored events.

SECTION 5. The power and duties of the Association shall be:

A. To annually plan and execute Regional events to enhance localized learning, representing the trending aspects of instruction, to be maintained by the Officers of the Association and with the scheduling and adjustment of each event to be administered within the scope of the current By-Laws. Marching Performance Assessments
Solo and Ensemble Assessments
Jazz Performance Assessments
Concert Performance Assessments.
Auditions for West TN/TNMEA Honor Ensembles.
Other events to align with State activities designated by TNMEA and/or TBA etc.

B. To alter and amend this constitution and its By-Laws as provided herein,
C. To exercise all powers not herein delegated to its officers and Executive Committee.

Article II - General Meetings
SECTION 1. This organization shall meet three times a year. The time and place of these meetings shall be decided at the first meeting along with dates and places of Association events. Members are required to attend two of the three meetings a year to be eligible for participation in Association events.
SECTION 2. Special meetings may be called by the President of the Association at the request of a majority of the active membership.
Article III - Officers and Government
SECTION 1. These officers of the Association shall be elected or appointed as provided for in the By-Laws.
A. President
B. First Vice-President (President-Elect)
C. Second Vice-President (Past-President)
D. Recording Secretary
E. Executive Secretary/Treasurer
F. All State Chair

SECTION 2. Control

A. Full control of the WTSBOA shall be vested in the officers of the Association duly elected by the membership.
B. It shall be the duties of the Officers of the Association:
1. To transact all business of the Association,
2. To enforce the rules of the Association,
3. To sponsor all festivals and other events of the Association.

SECTION 3. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, Vice-Presidents, Recording Secretary, Executive Secretary/Treasurer and All State Chair.

Article IV - Constitutional Amendments, Alterations, and Additions
An amendment may be proposed at the May meeting of the Association and if passed by a majority vote, shall be in temporary status for a period of one year. This same Amendment must be presented at the next annual meeting under the heading “Old and Unfinished Business.” If passed at this meeting by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, it shall become a part of this constitution. If it should fail to pass a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, it shall go on temporary status for another year. If the Amendment fails to carry a majority vote of the third reading, it shall be dropped entirely.


Article I - General Meetings

SECTION 1. This organization shall hold three general meetings. The time and place of the meetings shall be decided at the first meeting of the school year along with the dates and places of Association events. The proposed calendar shall be submitted and approved at the May meeting.

SECTION 2. Special meetings may be called by the President or at the request of a majority of the Active Membership.

Article II - Order of Business

SECTION 1. The presiding officer shall call for business in the following order:

A. Minutes of the last meeting.
B. Minutes of any special or called meeting.
C. Treasurer’s report.
D. President’s report.
E. Reports of standing committees.
F. Old or unfinished business.
G. Elections (if any)
H. New business.
I. Caucus meetings (August Meeting)

SECTION 2. Robert’s Rules of Order (revised version) shall govern procedures of meetings.

Article III - Officers, Elections, and Terms of Office

SECTION 1. Election of officers of the Association shall be held at the May meeting of each school year in which elections are needed, and officers shall assume office on July 1st following said meeting.

SECTION 2. All terms of office shall be for two years. The Executive Secretary/Treasurer shall be given an honorarium of not more than $10,000.00 per annum.

SECTION 3. In the event the office of President-Elect, Executive Secretary/Treasurer or Recording Secretary is vacated before the end of said term, a special election shall be held at the next meeting to fill this office. (See Article IV, Section II, concerning a vacancy in the office of President.)

Article IV - Duties of the Officers

SECTION 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall be chairperson of the Executive Committee. He/She shall administer the rules of the Association. He/She shall represent the Association on the TMEA Council. The President may vote at all WTSBOA meetings.

SECTION 2. The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President during the latter’s absence or upon the request of the President. In case the office of President becomes vacant for any reason, the President-Elect shall fill the unexpired term.

SECTION 3. The Past President shall perform the duties as listed in the by-laws for each event and shall preside over the mentoring program.

SECTION 4. The Recording Secretary shall keep an accurate record of proceedings of meetings of the Association. He/she shall write letters of appreciation to all persons connected with clinics and festivals and forward to the President for his signature and mailing. He/she shall conduct other association business as necessary. He/she shall keep attendance for meetings/events. She/he is responsible for the Lifetime Achievement process including contacting new recipients and the induction ceremony at the All-West Clinic.

SECTION 5. The Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall be a non-voting, paid member. He/She shall keep all books and financial records. He/She will serve as or appoint a webmaster and receive registration materials for all association events. He/She shall be responsible for receiving and distributing plaques, patches, trophies, and medals. He/She shall purchase all supplies and stationary for the Association. He/She shall edit the Association publications which include the directory, handbook, official music lists, and newsletter. He/She shall notify the membership concerning dues and deadlines. He/She shall be responsible for duplication and distribution of clinic and festival forms. He/She shall send an accurate membership list to the NAfME and TMEA by December 1. This list shall include school and home addresses. He/She shall attend all meetings of the Association. He shall be responsible for any other duties as delegated by the President. He/She shall notify all members of Association and Professional meetings.

SECTION 6. The All State Chair is responsible for assimilating the All State personnel list, distributing information and music to directors and student participants and collecting fees and forms for All state groups.

Article V - The Executive Committee

SECTION 1. The Executive Committee shall have administrative duties as follows:
A. Interpret the Constitution and its By-Laws and the rules and regulations passed by the Association.
B. Authorize expenditures and audit the treasury account annually.
C. Serve as Resolution Committee in the absence of same.
D. Establish a Representative Board of Directors to facilitate the various association events from year to year.
1. The representative board shall consist of the following coordinators:
a. Orchestra
b. Jazz Band
c. Band – 2 (1 Middle School and 1 Senior High)
d. Registration Chair
e. Members at Large

2. This board will meet with the executive committee at least annually. The board of directors is to oversee the functioning of the named areas. They will be the liaison between the various chairpersons and the executive committee. They are directly accountable to the executive committee.
3. Directors will be appointed for a two-year term to these positions by the general membership in caucus at the August meeting. The Executive Committee may replace anyone who is unable to fulfill the duties of the Board of Directors.

4. These coordinators are responsible for securing rehearsal chairpersons for corresponding clinics.

5. These coordinators will be responsible for other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

Article VI - Amendments and Alterations
SECTION 1. These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting of the Association by a majority of the members present and voting.
SECTION 2. Membership dues and fees:
A. Directors must be a member of NAfME/TMEA/WTSBOA.
1. 1. NAfME and TMEA dues are paid to TMEA via their website on or before September 1, by the individual members.  TMEA rebates the NAFME portion of the dues to NAFME.  Members must provide the Executive Secretary their current NAfME number.
2. WTSBOA membership dues are $100.00 per active member, $25.00 per College or Music Supervisor member. Deadline shall be September 1. A $10.00 per day late fee, based on the post-marked date, shall be charged for any late payment, up to seven (7) calendar days. At that time a letter and a copy of the invoice will be sent to the school principal. After said seven days no payment will be accepted and membership in WTSBOA will be denied for the year. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Executive Board.
3. All directors must be present at any WTSBOA event that they have students participating.
4. All directors must attend any two of the three meetings per year in order for their students to participate in any events the following year. The director of record must have met the attendance requirements in order for their student to participate in all WTSBOA sponsored events the following year. The director may elect to pay a fine of $100 per meeting infraction (two required meetings) in order to enter WTSBOA events.
5. All directors must work the entire event in which his/her students participate.
6. All directors must register his/her students at all events.
7. Proxy must be a current WTSBOA member (director) or a retired director. The proxy can not be a director with students registered for the event in question.
8. The director is responsible for referring to the website for all information regarding WTSBOA events. Director is responsible for providing email address to Executive Secretary/Treasurer.
B. Entry and registration fees will be listed under each specific event. A $100 late fee, based on the post-marked date, shall be charged for any late registration entries up through seven calendar days. After said seven days, no late entries will be accepted. Changes will be honored through the seven day period. An invoice for the late fees will be sent to the director. (Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Executive Board)
Article VII - West Tennessee Marching Festival

SECTION 1. General rules and procedures.
A. Classification
CLASS A—High schools with 32 or less total musicians (winds & percussion)
CLASS AA—High schools with 33-64 total musicians (winds & percussion)
CLASS AAA—High schools with 65-80 or more total musicians (winds & percussion)
CLASS AAAA—High schools with 81 or more total musicians (winds & percussion)
Bands cannot enter a lower classification but can enter a higher classification upon request.
B. Fees: The entry fee shall be $100.00 for groups of 25 or fewer members, $125.00 for groups of 26-50, $175.00 for groups with more than 51 members, and is not refundable. Admission to event will be $10.00 per person.
C. Ratings
1. Bands will be adjudicated in the following areas:
a. Field performance (a composite of the four field judges’ scores is used for the final rating (trophy)
b. Field Commander (medal)
c. Percussion (trophy)
d. Auxiliary (trophy)
2. The ratings used in adjudication are as follows:
3. A director may submit in writing to the festival chairperson a request for comments only, in which case no ratings will be given.
4. Sample adjudication forms can be obtained from the WTSBOA website.
5. In marching performance, the officials of the Association will tabulate the ratings given to each participating group and determine final composite ratings according to the following plan:
DIVISION I [“Superior”] ….75-100
DIVISION II [“Excellent”]… 60-74.9
DIVISION III [“Good”]……..45-59.9
DIVISION IV [“Fair”] ………30-44.9
DIVISION V [“Poor”] ………1-29.9
When using the four (4) person panel adjudication panel, the Music Performance Ensemble and Music Effect scores are multiplied by 1.5 to equal a possible three hundred points each with the Visual Performance and Visual Effect captions receiving a possible two hundred points each. The final score is achieved by multiplying the total points earned by .10.
D. Awards. Bands receiving SUPERIOR ratings will be awarded trophies. Auxiliary units receiving SUPERIOR ratings will be awarded trophies. Percussion sections receiving SUPERIOR ratings will be awarded trophies. Field Commanders receiving SUPERIOR ratings will be awarded medals. Bands receiving SUPERIOR or EXCELLENT ratings may purchase medals for students from the Executive Secretary. Participation plaques will be given to all bands that do not receive a Superior rating.
E. Time requirements. Field performance time shall be no greater than 12 minutes. This includes warm-up time, on time, performance time, and off time.
F. Scheduling. Scheduling will be done by random drawing according to classification.
G. Warm-up. A room or space will be provided according to the facilities available.
H. Field Performance.
1. At the scheduled time, the runner will instruct the band to enter the field.
2. The band will then be announced. The announcer will then ask, “Field Commander ______ (student’s name) ___ is your band ready?”
3. When the band is ready, the Field Commander will salute. The band will then perform for adjudication.

SECTION 2. General organizational information.
A. Duties of the President.
1. Appoint Chairperson of festival.
2. Introduce judges at festival.
3. Announce ratings at festival, or appoint announcer
4. Assist President-Elect in handing out awards
B. Duties of the President-Elect.
1. Set up awards table.
2. Hand out awards.
C. Duties of the Past-President.
1. Hire adjudicators (contact, coordinate schedules, lodging).
2. Assist as requested by the President.
D. Duties of the Executive Secretary/Treasurer.
1. Pay judges expenses.
2. Distribute entry forms and deadlines (view on website).
3. Pay all expenditures: stadium, programs, tickets, trophies, phone, correspondence, judges, money boxes, start up money, photographer, etc.
4. Order trophies and medals, plaques, and have at festival.
5. Assist past president in securing judges accommodations and travel.
6. Have digital recorders, batteries and flash drive/cloud service  for event.
7. Arrange for souvenir vendor.

E. Duties of the Festival Chairperson.
1. Clears date with school at festival site.
2. Collects monies (entry fees and tickets)
3. Contacts announcer for festival.
4. Makes festival schedule and judges’ sheets.
5. Coordinates judges’ schedule with executive secretary/treasurer.
6. Get digital recorders, batteries and flash drives from secretary.
7. Secure official timer (timer needs stop watch).
8. Prepare adjudication sheets (field, auxiliary, field commander, percussion, time).
9. Notify directors as to final instructions (tickets, schedules, maps).
10. Fill school envelopes at end of festival with judge’s sheets and make them available to directors.
11. Appoints the following committees: PROGRAM, TICKETS, PUBLICITY, RUNNERS, SEATING, FIELD AND GROUNDS, (performance area, ambulance, bus parking).
12. Arrange for facilities (P.A. system, dressing rooms, warm-up areas).

F. Duties of Recording Secretary
1. Tabulate Ratings, pick up judges sheets, assemble judges’ packets, and email results to webmaster.

Article VIII - West Tennessee Senior Band and Orchestra Auditions

SECTION 1. General rules, procedures, and regulations.
A. Eligibility shall be limited to:
1. Grades 9-12.
2. Bonafide members of a member school’s band or orchestra. The student must also be fully enrolled and attending the same school.
3. Students who meet the eligibility requirements as stipulated in the TMEA All-State Handbook.
B. Senior High Band and Orchestra ensembles include: 11-12 Blue and Red Bands, 9-10 Blue and Red Bands, High School Symphony Orchestra (strings grades 11-12, orchestral winds and percussion grades 11-12) and High School Honor String Orchestra (grades 9-10).
C. Names shall be entered on the proper entry forms and returned to the chairperson of the event, with proper fees, on or before the published postmark deadline.
D. A student may audition on only one (1) instrument, with the exception of flute auditions. Students may audition on piccolo as well as the flute.
E. The fee shall be $15.00 per audition and is not refundable.
F. Students must report to the event by the time specified and be properly registered.
G. Students will be assigned an audition time, but may request for an earlier audition time. Students may not switch audition times. Students may audition early but not later than their scheduled time.
H. Students may use their own music in the audition room.
I. One screen will be placed in each audition room to prevent the judge from seeing the student. A monitor will be provided to relay instructions from the judge to the student and relay questions from the student to the judge. The judge and the student may not communicate directly.
J. Students should be warmed-up before entering the try out room. Students will be allowed 15 seconds to warm up in the room before the audition begins.
K. Students will be asked to do the following:
a. WINDS AND PERCUSSION: All twelve major scales and chromatic scale must be prepared. The chromatic scale and two major scales will be selected. Scales must be performed from memory. Scales should be played in a pattern of quarter note followed by six eighth notes, quarter note, etc. at least 120 mm, in as many octaves as the student can play, (ascending and descending). Articulation patterns are not prescribed. Credit will be given to speed and range of scales, as long as the accuracy is preserved.

b. STRINGS: Scales will be graded on a variety of categories including intonation, accurate tempo, accurate rhythm, accuracy of notes and the number of octaves played (ascending and descending).. All scales are required to be played in a minimum of two octaves. Extra points may be awarded for extra octaves performed correctly. All major scales are required. The following melodic minor scales are required: violins – g minor; violas and celli – c minor; basses – e minor. The scales will be performed in strict quarter note values. The quarter note will equal 120 or greater. Deviations from these guidelines will result in a reduction of the score. Credit will be given to speed and range of scales, as long as the accuracy is preserved.

2. PREPARED MATERIAL — All prepared material will be performed within two minutes as set in the audition procedures. All ornamentations are optional. If the student can play the ornamentation, it will be to his or her advantage. The tempo for the various exercises is left to the student unless specified. As it pertains to scoring, accuracy comes before speed, though speed is important. DO NOT play any repeats. Percussionist will audition on snare, mallets and timpani.

3. SIGHT READING — The student will be asked to play a selection of music with only a brief amount of time for study. The time of study will be consistent within each instrument category. The sight reading music is chosen by the Executive Committee and is not to be more difficult than the prepared music. Percussionist will sight read on snare and mallets.
L. After the audition the student will return to the assembly area and may leave.
M. Snare drum, timpani and mallet percussion instruments will be provided. Snare drum sticks or mallets will not be provided. Percussion students will not be allowed to audition without proper equipment.
N. Results will be posted as soon as possible. Student score sheets will be placed in a director packet at the end of the auditions. The results will not be official until All-West Clinic.
O. Any misconduct will result in the disqualification of the student.
P. Any variation from the above rules, procedures, and regulations must be resolved by the Executive Committee.
Q. Cell phones and any other disruptive electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight during rehearsals and performances.

SECTION 2. Instrumentation
A. There will be four senior high bands, one string orchestra, and one full orchestra. Band designation will be as follows: 11-12 Blue and Red Bands, 9-10 Blue and Red Bands. Students will be placed: highest audition score will be first chair Blue Band, through last chair Red Band in each section. The first orchestra will be designated as the HIGH SCHOOL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (11-12). The second orchestra will designated as the HIGH SCHOOL HONOR STRING ORCHESTRA (9-10).

B. Both Senior High Blue and Red bands will consist of the following instrumentation:
12 Flutes
1 Piccolo
2 Oboes
4 Bassoons
28 Bb Clarinets (7 1st, 9 2nd, 12 3rd)
6 Bass Clarinets
1 Contra Bass Clarinet*
6 Alto Saxophones
3 Tenor Saxophones
1 Baritone Saxophone
16 Trumpets** (5 1st, 5 2nd, 6 3rd)
10 French Horns
12 Trombones
6 Baritones
8 Tubas
8 Percussion
* The contra-bass clarinet may be either BBb or EEb
** 1st Trumpet part will be played by 4th chair first and 2nd trumpet will be played by 4th chair second.

D. The High School Symphony Orchestra will consist of the following instrumentation. Wind and percussion instrumentation may be altered depending on the literature.
40 Violins (20 1st, 20 2nd)*
14 Violas
14 Cellos
8 Basses
2 Flutes
1 Piccolo
2 Oboes
2 Bassoons
2 Clarinets
1 Bass Clarinet
5 French Horns
3 Trumpets
3 Trombones
1 Tuba
4 Percussion
*Violins 1-4 will play 1st part, violins 5-8 will play the first two stands of 2nd part and will retain their All-State status. Violins 9-20 will play to the last six stands of first violin part. Violins 21-32 will play the last six stands of the second violin part.

E. The High School Honor String Orchestra will consist of the following instrumentation:
44 Violins (22 1st, 22 2nd)
16 Violas
16 Cellos
8 Basses
*Violins 1-4 will play 1st part, violins 5-8 will play the first two stands of 2nd part and will retain their All-State status. Violins 9-20 will play to the last six stands of first violin part. Violins 21-32 will play the last six stands of the second violin part.

SECTION 3. Duties of the Executive Secretary/Treasurer
A. Send all materials pertaining to the audition to the chairperson. (pencils, note pads, envelopes, signs, scantron forms, checks, screens, curtains, adjudication sheets, and different colored copy paper).
B. Provide the copies of the sight reading music for each judge and room stand.

SECTION 4. Duties of the audition chairpersons
A. Audition music will be selected by the audition committee.
B. The Band Audition chairperson is responsible for the following:
1. 16 audition rooms (2 fl/picc., 2 cl, 2 sax, 1 low & double reeds, 2 trpt, 2 fh, 2 trom, 1 bar/tuba, 2 perc)
2. A large registration room which will serve as assembly area and warm-up room.
3. One tally room and one All-State work room.
4. Public address system in each assembly area.
5. Put final instructions, map, and audition numbers on website.
6. Provide lunch for judges and working personnel at WTSBOA expense.
7. Provide a written schedule of monitors to work auditions.
8. Provide Judges’ Packets with copies of the audition music and sample of the score.
9. A printed sign-in sheet for each room will be provided.
C. The Orchestra Audition chairperson is responsible for the following:
1. 14 audition rooms (1 flute/picc., 1 clarinet, 1 oboe/bassoon, 1 trumpet/horn, 1 trombone/tuba, 1 percussion).
2. A large registration room which will serve as assembly area and warm-up room.
3. One tally room and one All-State work room.
4. Public address system in each assembly area.
5. Put final instructions, map, and audition numbers on website.
6. Provide lunch for judges and working personnel at WTSBOA expense.
7. Provide a written schedule of monitors to work auditions.
8. Provide Judges’ Packets with copies of the audition music and sample of the score sheet.
9. A printed sign in-sheet for each room will be provided.

SECTION 5. Duties of the President-Elect or person appointed by President-Elect:
Music chairperson, band, and orchestra.
A. Obtain and label appropriate number of music folders.
B.Research and secure clinicians.
C. Stuff folders.
1. Baritone horn shall receive both bass and treble clef.
2. Contra-bass clarinet shall receive both Bb and Eb parts. If no Eb parts are available, tuba parts shall be substituted. If no contra-bass parts are available, bass clarinet parts shall be substituted.
3. All percussion folders shall receive assigned percussion parts.
D. Arrange distribution of music folders to directors.
E. Secure music from the rehearsal chairperson after the concert and return to the clinician.
F. President-Elect will assign equipment to be brought by percussionists to clinics.
G. Bring completed music folders to the audition, and give to the audition chair.

SECTION 6. Judges
A. Recommendations shall come from the membership.
B. Judges will be hired by the Past President at a rate consistent with other events.
C. Each judge must remain on site until all tally sheets are verified for each instrument they judged.
D. Audition results will be posted on the website as soon as possible.
SECTION 7. High-Risk Schools
A. A director at a school as defined by the Department of Education as a Title I school can designate the school as High-Risk.
B. There will be five slots added to the Middle School and Senior All-West Bands and two violin spots in each for the Middle School String Orchestra, High School Honor String Orchestra and Senior High Symphony Orchestra. There will be only one slot in middle and senior high for each of the following instruments: flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone and percussion.
C. If a High-Risk school has a student in one of the bands or orchestras by the regular audition process, then that school will not be eligible for a slot. A school can receive only one slot. The student with the highest score among the High-Risk students in each instrument will be given the slot.
D. The list of recipients of the High Risk slots will be emailed to appropriate directors one week after the audition.
E. Directors must complete the “High Risk Status School” application form prior to the audition. Administrator signatures are required in order to be eligible. Forms need to be turned in to the Recording Secretary at the 7:00 a.m. directors meeting on the day of the audition.

Article IX - West Tennessee Middle School Band and Orchestra Auditions

SECTION 1. General rules, procedures, and regulations. All rules, procedures, and regulations for the Senior High auditions will apply to Middle School band and orchestra auditions with the following exceptions:
A. Eligibility shall be limited to grades 5-8 (middle school Band), grades 5-8 (Middle School Strings)
B. All-State does not apply
C. There will be two All-West Middle School Bands: Blue and Red.
D. The All-West Middle School Orchestra will be a string orchestra.
E. Middle School Orchestra Scales:
1. Scales will be graded on a variety of categories including intonation, accurate tempo, accurate rhythm, accuracy of notes and the number of octaves played.
2. Major scales from 0-3 sharps and flats are required to be played in a minimum of one octave. Extra points may be awarded for extra octaves performed correctly, with exception of the required two octave scale. The following two octave scales are required: violins – D Major; violas and cell- G Major; basses – G Major.
3. The scales will be performed in strict quarter note values. The quarter note will be equal to 100 or greater.
4. Deviations from these guidelines will result in a reduction of the score.
F. Middle School Band Scales:
1. Students shall prepare a full-range chromatic scale and 8 major scales from 0-4 flats and 0-3 sharps in instrument specific keys.
2. The chromatic scale and two major scales will be announced by the monitor in the audition.
3. Students should prepare a minimum of one-octave for each scale. Extra points will be awarded for additional octaves performed correctly.
4. Scales must be performed from memory.
5. Scales should be played in a pattern of quarter note followed by six eighth notes, quarter note, etc. at least 108 mm, in as many octaves as possible. Articulation patterns are not prescribed.
6. Scale Sheets are provided as part of the audition materials as a resource to students and directors.

SECTION 2. Instrumentation.
A. The two bands will consist of the following instrumentation: The Executive Committee will consult with the judge if adequate instrumentation cannot be achieved.
12 Flutes
1 Piccolo
2 Oboes
4 Bassoons
28 Bb Clarinets (7-1st, 9-2nd, 12-3rd. If only 2 parts, 10-1st, 13-2nd to 15-2nd)
6 Bass Clarinets
8 Alto Saxophones
3 Tenor Saxophones
1 Baritone Saxophone
16 Trumpets (5-1st, 5-2nd, 6-3rd. If only 2 parts, 7-1st, 9-2nd)
10 French Horns
12 Trombones
6 Baritones
8 Tubas
8 Percussion

B. The middle school orchestra will be a string orchestra with the following instrumentation:
48 Violins (24-1st, 24-2nd)
18 Violas
18 Cellos
9 Basses

SECTION 3. Duties of the secretary. Refer to article 8, section 3.
SECTION 4. Duties of the audition chairpersons. Refer to article 8, section 4.
SECTION 5. Duties of the President-Elect or person appointed by President-Elect: music chairpersons. Refer to article 8, section 5.
SECTION 6. Judges. Refer to the Senior High Judges section.
SECTION 7. High Risk Schools. Refer to article 8, section 7

Article X - West Tennessee Jazz Band Auditions

SECTION 1. General rules, procedures, and regulations.
A. Eligibility shall be limited to:
1. Any high school or middle school student with their director’s approval.
2. Director must be a WTSBOA member in good standing.
B. Audition fee will be $15 and is not refundable.
C. There will be two jazz bands. The first band will be designated as the Blue Band and the second band will be designated as the Red Band.
D. Audition music will be selected by the All-State Jazz committee and posted on the website.
E. Students who audition for the Jazz Band may also audition for Middle School or Senior High Bands and Orchestra.

SECTION 2. Duties of the chairperson.
A. Provide drum set (minus cymbals, and snare drum), one bass amp, one guitar amp, one keyboard amp, and any necessary cords.
Monitor Recording of All-State audition. All Blue band members, grades 9-12 shall be eligible to make an All-State Audition Recording. If there is a Blue Band student in grades below 9th, then the highest ranked student from the Red Jazz Band will audition for All-State in their place.
C. Provide judges for the event – check before getting judges with Past President.
D. Provide 5 rooms with screens (1 saxophone, 1 trumpet, 1 trombone, 1 piano/bass/guitar, 1 drum set/auxiliary percussion)
E. Provide adjudication forms.
F. Provide the Executive secretary/treasurer with student’s scores and results.
G. Provide results and scores to the directors.
H. Provide monitors.
I. Provide 5 – Mp3 players with backing tracks for improvisation.
J. Provide 5 amplifiers

SECTION 3. Duties of the President-Elect or person appointed by President-Elect: music chairperson.
A. Refer to article 8, section 5.
B. Music shall be distributed after Jazz band auditions.

SECTION 4. Audition requirements.
A. Students shall perform prepared material as posted on the website.
B. All auditioning students shall sight-read.
C. All auditioning students except drummers shall improvise 2 choruses of “F-blues” and one chorus of “Rhythm Changes” in Bb. Drummers will improvise 8 bars of Swing (quarter note = 220), 8 bars of Funk/Rock (quarter note = 100), 8 bars of samba/Latin (quarter note = 120).
D. Scales are not required.
SECTION 5. Instrumentation for each Jazz Band:
2 Alto Saxophones
2 Tenor Saxophones
1 Baritone Saxophone
5 Trumpets
4 Trombones
1 Bass Trombone
1 Guitar
1 Piano
1 Bass
1 Auxiliary Percussion
1 Drum Set

Article XI - All-State Band and Orchestra

SECTION 1. General rules, procedures, and regulations
A. Eligibility shall be limited to:
1. Grades 9-12
2. Bonafide members of a member school’s band or orchestra.
B. All members will be taken from the All-West Tennessee Senior High Ensembles.

SECTION 2. Instrumentation.
The following charts include the instrumentation needed for each All-State Band and the Orchestra. The following instruments are to be provided from each area of the state annually:

Instrument 9-10 Band 11-12 Band String Orchestra Symphony Orchestra
Flute 4 4 0 1
Oboe 1 1 0 1
Bassoon*1 0 0 0 1
Clarinet 9 9 0 1
Bass Clarinet 2 2 0 0
Contrabass Clarinet 0 0 0 0
Alto Saxophone 2 2 0 0
Tenor Saxophone 1 1 0 0
Baritone Saxophone 1 1 0 0
Trumpet 5 5 0 1
Horn 4 4 0 2
Trombone 3 3 0 1
Baritone 2 2 0 0
Tuba *2 3 3 0 0 *2
Percussion 2 2 0 1
1st Violin 0 0 6 *3 6
2nd Violin 0 0 6 *3 6
Viola 0 0 4 4
Cello 0 0 4 4
Bass 0 0 3 3

*1Bassoons will be assigned to the band based on the supplemental instrument chart below.
*2 A tuba for orchestra will be assigned based on the supplemental instrument chart below.
*3 Distribution of 1st/2nd Violin to be left up to Conductor & Chair

2020, 2023, 2026 West Middle East
Sym.Orch. 9-10
Sym. Orch. 9-10
Piccolo 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
E-flat Sop.Clarinet 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Bassoon 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
Tuba* 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Percussion 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
2021, 2024, 2027 West Middle East
Sym.Orch. 9-10
Sym. Orch. 9-10
Piccolo 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
E-flat Sop.Clarinet 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
Bassoon 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 1 0
Tuba* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Percussion 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2022, 2025, 2028 West Middle East
Sym.Orch. 9-10
Sym. Orch. 9-10
Piccolo 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
E-flat Sop.Clarinet 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bassoon 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 2 0
Tuba* 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Percussion 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

*If a tuba is not needed in the orchestra the tuba player assigned to the Symphony Orchestra will be reassigned to the 11-12 Concert Band.

c. Supplemental instrumentation not covered in the above charts:

2020, 2023, 2026 ETSBOA
2021, 2024, 2027 WTSBOA
2022, 2025, 2028 MTSBOA

SECTION 3. Duties of the All-State section chairpersons.

A. The chairperson will appoint an audition judge for each instrument group participating in the All-State audition.
B. Reminder notices should be emailed to audition judges prior to the event with all necessary instructions.
C. A complete list of the All-State instrumentation quota including alternates should be compiled.
D. All-State music that is selected should be secured and passed out.
E. The chairperson will email a schedule of events and other necessary information to each school that has participating members.
F. Collect all fees associated with the West Tennessee’s All State band, orchestra and jazz registrations.

SECTION 4. Duties of participating directors and students.

A. All members of the All-State Band, Jazz and Orchestra must fill out the proper online registration form, print verification and mail along with payment and student contracts to the All State Chair by the deadline published. If registration deadline is not met, alternates will be called, no exceptions. Late fee of $250.00 will be paid by director if forms are not received by deadline.

Article XII- West Tennessee Band, Orchestra, and Jazz Clinic

SECTION 1. General rules, procedures, and regulations.
A. Eligibility shall be limited to students selected through the All-West auditions.
B. On the day of the first rehearsal, directors will turn in any absentees and receive registration packets with student name tags and final instructions. Students should then report to their rehearsal areas to be seated. Registration chairperson should be notified of absentees as soon as possible.
C. Students are responsible for having music and all other necessary items at every rehearsal.
D. A list of all equipment percussionists need to bring will be included in the music folder.
E. Students must remain quiet at all times during the rehearsal; listening carefully to the director’s instructions. Disrespectful behavior may result in dismissal from the event.
F. Students arriving late to rehearsal may be moved to the last chair at the discretion of the executive board. Other action may also be taken.
G. When the rehearsal is concluded, it is the directors’ responsibility to see that students leave the area immediately.
H. Band students will wear their school concert uniform at the concert performance; middle school orchestra students will wear black bottoms and white tops, high school orchestra students will wear concert black. Jazz Band will wear all black.
I. All-West patches will be distributed after the last group has performed their concert.
J. Recordings of the performance will be made available to students to purchase.
K. Students are required to attend all rehearsals and concerts.
L. Students will be in their seats and ready to begin at least ten (10) minutes prior to the start of each rehearsal.
M. Students will not chew gum or eat food in rehearsals.
N. The use of alcohol and /or illegal drugs is strictly prohibited.
O. The use of tobacco products is prohibited.
P. Students must have pencils at all rehearsals.
Q. Students must wear name tags at all times.
R. Cell phones or any other disruptive electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight during rehearsals and performances.
S. Any variation from the above rules, procedures, and regulations must be resolved by the Executive Committee and can result in removal from the event.

A. Upon being selected by audition, students pay a non-refundable $65.00 All-West registration fee, to be collected by the posted registration date.
B. Admission to all All-West concerts will be free of charge.
C. A late fee of $100 will be assessed for registration received after the postmark deadline.

SECTION 3. Duties of the All-West Convention chairperson.
A. The chairperson shall have overall charge of coordinating and overseeing the entire event including the duties being performed by the rehearsal and site chairpersons.
B. Secure site and rehearsal area.
C. Provide a hospitality room.
D. Arrangements for microphones and lighting for the concert and rehearsals should be made (3 months in advance).
E. Locate and arrange to transport:
1. Percussion equipment as dictated by the music (excluding snare)
2. Conductor’s podiums and chairs
3. Chairs and stands for the band and orchestra students will be needed one day prior to the first rehearsal.
F. Convention Chairperson is responsible for equipment or appointing an equipment chairperson.
H. A master program must be designed, typed, proofed, and printed.

SECTION 4. All West Clinic Coordinator (Jr. & Sr. Bands, Middle School & Sr. Orchestras & Sr. Jazz Bands).
A. Procure seating chart from President-Elect or directly from the clinician.
B. Assist the President-Elect in securing respective Band or Orchestra Rehearsal Chairs
C. Attend all event caucus meetings pertaining to the audition/clinic.
D. Guide and assist the Rehearsal Chairs in all aspects of preparing for the All-West Clinic – from the auditions through the clinic weekend (see rehearsal chair responsibilities)
E. Assist the Executive Committee as needed during the audition process
F. Procure copies of all student personnel for each Band & Orchestra for which you are responsible.
G. Assist with All-West Clinic registration
I. Assist in set up / tear down of band rehearsal rooms during the clinic weekend
J. Monitor student behavior during the clinic
K. Be available during the clinic weekend to assist Clinicians / Rehearsal Chairs / Executive Committee as needed
L. Serve as a liaison between the Rehearsal Chairs and the Executive Committee
M. Be available during the concerts to assist Clinicians / Rehearsal Chairs / Executive Committee as needed.
N. Jazz coordinator provides sound system and at least three microphones.

SECTION 5. Registration chairperson.
A. Receive information from participating schools.
B. Check registration against All-West personnel list.
C. Check fees for accuracy and notify directors of any discrepancies.
D. Process information and make packets with student name tags and updated information concerning schedule, etc.
E. Arrange 2 tables.
1. Table 1 is for preregistration. Directors only.
2. Table 2 is for any discrepancies, alternate fees, and last minute absentees. The REGISTRATION CHAIR PERSON will be at this table.
F. REGISTRATION CHAIRPERSON shall call all alternates needed after registration is complete. The chairperson shall give an updated personnel list to each rehearsal chairperson.
G. Prepare personnel lists for concert program.
H. Email copy of personnel lists for use on t-shirts and/or recordings.
I. Notify executive committee of cancellations or discrepancies in ensemble personnel.

SECTION 6. Duties of the rehearsal chairpersons (President-elect appoints).
A. Prior to the auditions:
1. Work closely with Clinic Coordinator throughout this process
2. Attend all event caucus meetings pertaining to the audition / clinic
3. Contact Clinician; Offer assistance, give them your contact information
4. Give Clinician Clinic schedule, concert information, and a link to previous programs for performance reference.
5. Make transportation arrangements – if needed
6. Obtain concert set from Clinician; Give a copy of this to the appropriate clinic coordinator.
7. Obtain clinician biography / picture for clinic program; Give a copy of this to the appropriate clinic coordinator
8. Obtain music and scores from Clinician or Executive Committee
9. Copy music: Make extra copies of music for at risk students and the clinic
10. Assign Percussion Parts in an Excel type format: Give a copy of this to the appropriate clinic coordinator
11. Assign Percussion Instruments in an Excel type format; Give a copy of this to the appropriate clinic coordinator
12. Using the instrumentation listed in the WTSBOA by laws, Collate music into folders; Label each folder with the appropriate instrument & chair number
13. Place a copy of the Excel type Percussion Music Assignments & Instrument Assignments in each Percussion Folder.
14. Copy clinic schedules, student/percussion contracts and place in folders
B. During / After auditions:
1. Assist the Executive Committee as needed during the audition process
2. Get copy of student personnel for your ensemble.
3. Contact percussion students’ directors: Remind them several times of their assigned instruments to bring for the clinic
4. Secure one or two monitors to assist you during the clinic
5. Using the personnel list, make seat assignment signs for the clinic – the type that hang over the music stand. Place each sign in the appropriate place after you have made the concert set at the beginning of the clinic weekend.
6. Assist in set up / tear down of rehearsal rooms
7. Assist during the clinic registration
8. Be constantly available to assist the Clinician throughout the weekend. Plan to be in the rehearsal room during most of the clinic weekend.
9. Introduce clinician to the students at the first rehearsal
10. Start each rehearsal session with reminders to students. Check roll at the start of each rehearsal. Notify the appropriate clinic coordinator if a student is late, or if a student is absent, contact the student’s director and the executive board.
11. After students are seated, prior to the first rehearsal, remind students of rules and expectations.
12. Before and after rehearsals, provide announcements and information to students.
13. Assign concert seating (audience) assignments to students if needed
14. Assist with the concert as needed.
15. At the conclusion of the concert (after the final performance) take up/discard the copied music and distribute patches

SECTION 7. Clinic schedule will be determined by executive board and will be available online.

SECTION 8. Duties of the executive committee.
A. The President-Elect will hire clinicians and will see that the clinicians receive past programs and recordings and will assist in the selection of music (4 months in advance).
B. Executive Treasurer will make housing arrangements. Guaranteed reservations must be made with necessary meals included. Transportation to and from the airport must be provided for the clinician if necessary (make arrangements 3 months in advance).
C. The President shall introduce the band coordinator. The band coordinator will introduce the rehearsal chair, who will introduce the clinician.
D. Recording Secretary shall provide a station for Festival score approval and scholarship applications. A sign-in sheet will be provided in the registration room.

SECTION 9. Duties of the Executive secretary/treasurer.
A. Assist in the printing of the concert programs with the following information:
1. Students’ names (including alternates).
2. A list of music “To be selected from” with composers.
B. Arrange for the recording of the concerts.
C. Pay all expenses with WTSBOA funds, and have checks ready for clinicians after the concert.
D. Provide patches.
E. Contact vendors.
SECTION 10. Scholarships shall be awarded each year.
A. The Lubrani Scholarship ($1000) is awarded to the highest ranked senior clarinet player from the Band. Student must enroll in at least one music class in college. Award will be made to the student or college at the end of the first semester upon submission of request and transcript. A transcript must be provided by the student and sent to the executive board.
B. The Ralph Hale Scholarship ($1000) will be awarded to a senior first chair player in the All-West Wind Ensemble, Jazz Blue Band or Orchestra. Recipient must be music major during the first semester of college. Applications are available to each eligible student on the website. Award will be made to the student and the college at the end of the first semester upon submission of a request and a copy of a transcript. A transcript must be provided by the student and sent to the executive board.
C. Pete Evans Scholarship will use funds given by the family of Pete Evans to establish a $500.00 annual Pete Evans Memorial Scholarship. Criteria are that this award can be any 12th grader participating in the All-West Senior High Performance groups. The student must be a Music major during the first semester of college. The applications will be available online to each student after audition results are posted. Applications will be submitted to the Recording Secretary at All West Registration by the Band Director. Band Director recommendations will also be used in the selection process. The recipient will be selected by the executive board. The Scholarship will be presented during the covention weekend at the concert in which the recipient participates.

Article XIII - West Tennessee Jazz Festival

SECTION 1. The West Tennessee Jazz Band Festival shall be open to Middle School and Senior High School Jazz Ensembles according to the following guidelines:
A. A Jazz Band shall consist of at least ten (10) and not more than twenty-seven (27) members. A Jazz Combo shall consist of less than ten (10) members.
B. A combo division will be included if there are combos interested in performing in the festival. The same guidelines as to selection of music would have to be followed (no all-rock combos). All other guidelines would be followed. For additional information about the combo division, contact the chairperson.
C. The fee for participation is $75.00 per ensemble and is non-refundable.
D. The conductor (other than an approved student conductor) at jazz festival must be the teacher of record at that school.
E. Each Band shall play three selections from the following styles (At least three styles should be selected):
1. Straight ahead swinger (traditional big band jazz) example: Count Basie (Sammy Nestico)
2. Ballad (could feature a solo instrument or rock ballad)
3. Latin, Latin rock, jazz waltz, etc…
4. Rock
F. Music will be judged on the basis of concept of style, appropriateness of music for the group, balance, blend, technique, basic rhythmic feel within the whole band. Three original scores of each selection, with measures numbered consecutively, must be provided for the use of the judges and given to the runner upon arrival at the festival site. Unauthorized copies of scores without the written permission of the publisher or letter from the dealer will not be given to the judges and the ensemble will play for comments only.
G. Bands will be rated I, II, III, IV, and V.
H. All bands receiving Superior (I) ratings will receive a plaque. Outstanding soloists will receive a certificate.
I. Adjudication of the bands will be done with recorded and written comments that may be used by the band and the director for further progress and evaluation.
J. The three judges will present a short clinic after the performance of the concert selections.

SECTION 2. Duties of the chairperson.
A. Check on housing and transportation for the three judges (coordinate with the secretary/treasurer).
B. Receive and record all entry forms and fees ($75.00).
C. Schedule events and post entire schedule and other information on the WTSBOA website.
D. Provide the following equipment and facilities:
1. Rooms with chairs and stands for Concert.
2. Large room for warm-up and a tally area.
3. Runners for judges.
4. Envelopes with participating schools names on them for returning adjudication forms and scores.
5. Arrange for transportation (if needed) and food for judges for your site.
6. Mail judges a schedule, map, lodging and other necessary information.
7. Obtain digital recorders, batteries and blank CDs from secretary/treasure if needed.
E. Provide a director to pickup judges’ sheets from judges.
F. Provide sound system and at least two microphones.

SECTION 3. Duties of executive secretary/treasurer.
A. Pay all expenses.
B. Contact judges.
C. Provide judges sheets for festival.
D. Provide registration materials to directors.
E. Check on housing and transportation for judges.
F. Have digital recorders, batteries and blank CDs for event if needed.
G. Arrange for groups performances to be recorded.

Article XIV - West Tennessee Solo and Ensemble Festival

SECTION 1. General rules, procedures, and regulations
A. Eligibility
1. Grades K-12
2. Bonafide members of a member school band or orchestra only. The student must also be fully enrolled and attending the same school.
3. Wind, string, or percussion students excluding guitar and piano.
B. Fees – Entry fee is $10.00 per person per event and is not refundable.
C. Registration
1. Registration forms must be completed and postmarked by the deadline.
2. Entry forms and fees should be sent to the event chairperson at the site you wish to attend.
3. Entry forms will be provided according to which site the director chooses to attend.
D. Procedures
1. Solos do not have to be played from memory.
2. Solos and ensembles may be played with or without accompaniment.
3. Solos and ensembles may not exceed 5 minutes playing time.
4. Any one student may enter no more than three (3) different events.
E. Music
1. Solo and ensemble music may be selected at the discretion of the director and will be judged according to suitability and musical value and must be at least 32 measures in length including repeats, ​with the following exception:  A single through composed solo or ensemble written specifically  for elementary/middle school beginning players is acceptable with a minimum of 28 measures, repeats included.  A collection of short individual tunes extracted from method books must total 32 measures, including repeats.
2. The number of persons for ensembles will be determined by the requirements of the composition not to exceed one player to a part, except for divisi parts where two players may be used.
3. One copy of all solo and ensemble scores with measures numbered consecutively is required for the judge. Directors are individually responsible to see that all current copyright laws are followed. Failure to provide such above score will result in disqualification or the performance will be for comment only.
4. All ensembles must meet full instrumentation in order to receive a rating.
F. Ratings
1. Each judge shall indicate on the official ballot a rating for each participant, which shall be his/her estimate of the quality of the performance.
2. The five ratings to be used are:
G. Awards. Medals are awarded for an I and II Division rating.
H. Duties of the chairperson.
1. Check on housing and transportation of the judges (coordinate with the secretary/treasurer)
2. Verify and check all entries and money. For late entries refer to Article VI, Section 2B.
3. Schedule events and post entire schedule and other information on the website.
4. Provide the following equipment and facilities:
a. Rooms with chairs, stands, and pianos sufficient for the festival.
b. Large room or gym for assembly area and a tally room.
c. Provide large percussion equipment
d. Runners for each judge, depending on system used at the site
e. Envelopes with participating schools names on them for returning adjudication forms.
5. Provide director to pick up judges’ sheets from judges.
I. Duties of the executive committee
1. Contact host school concerning facilities and equipment (Pres).
2. Arrange for housing, transportation if needed, and food for judges.
3. Select judges.
J. Duties of the Executive Secretary/Treasurer
1. Provide judging sheets and medals for the festival.
2. Write all checks covering expenses (included expense vouchers)

Article XV - West Tennessee Concert Festival

SECTION 1. General rules, procedures, regulations
A. Order of events: Warm-up, Concert Performance, Sight-Reading Performance
B. The conductor (other than an approved student conductor) at concert festival must be the teacher of record at that school.
C. Each band or orchestra shall be given 20 minutes for warm-up
D. Each band or orchestra shall be given a 20 minutes performance period
E. Groups are to perform at least two selections of the director’s choice (one of the selections may be a march, if desired, but a march is not required). Literature selection must meet standards set in Article XV Section 3.
F. Each group will be given 20 minutes to sight-read.
G. Any variations from the rules of Concert Festival will result in a comments only performance, a lower rating, or disqualification.

SECTION 2. Classification
A. Middle School (students in grades 9 or below): Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, or Grade 6.
B. Senior High (students in grades 9 – 12): Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, or Grade 6.
C. All students must be bonafide members of the school’s band or orchestra program. The student must also be fully enrolled and attending the same school.
D. A student may perform with students of a higher grade level, but in no instance may a high school student perform in a group below the high school level.
E. A director may submit a written request for comments only at the time of entry, and no rating will be given.
F. In schools with a band and an orchestra program, players are allowed to perform in one of each group (one band and one orchestra). No student will be allowed to perform in more than one band or more than one orchestra. Upon written submission to the WTSBOA Executive Committee, middle school students may additionally perform with the high school band or orchestra as long as the director of both ensembles is the teacher of record of both schools.
G. A detailed seating and stand placement chart shall be provided for the stage committee and given to the runner upon arrival at the festival site unless the director brings his/her own set-up crew.
H. Any request for a performance time extension must be submitted at the time of entry and approved by the Executive Committee.
I. Any special requests for performance times and/or days must be submitted with the entry form in writing, and will be considered as possible, but cannot be guaranteed. Earliest entries will be given first consideration within their grade level. Groups with the same director and multiple performing groups will be scheduled accordingly.
J. Any band or orchestra which goes over the allotted time for warm-up and/or concert performance and/or sight reading shall be assessed one rating.

SECTION 3. Music
A. All groups must perform at least two concert selections. Both selections must be from the Tennessee State List unless one of the two selections is a march.
B. The grade of music selected from the graded list will determine the grade in which the band or orchestra will be assigned, with the highest graded selection determining the classification.
C. The other concert selection(s) must not be more than one grade level lower than the selection that determines your classification.
D. Music not on the Tennessee list may be performed if submitted to and approved by the Score Approval Committee. Music scores will be submitted at the All-West Convention registration table when the students are registered. The score shall be in a large envelope with the name of the school and director on the outside. The state score approval form must be used. The score packets may be retrieved by directors at the director’s meeting. The Score Approval Committee shall be made up of the past presidents (and/or presidential appointees) with the current past president being the chairman and responsible for keeping the Tennessee Music List current by sending in new selections to the TBA Music List Chair. Selections not appearing on the TBA list will require resubmission for approval.

E. Three original scores of each selection, with measures numbered consecutively, must be provided for the use of the judges and given to the runner upon arrival at the festival site. Unauthorized copies of scores without the written permission of the publisher or letter from the dealer will not be given to the judges and the ensemble will play for comments only.
Any ePrint scores must have a corresponding receipt of purchase to comply with Copyright Laws. All additional program information, presented form the director that provides additional information to the judge, must be approved by the event chair. Otherwise, the ensemble will perform for Comments Only.
F. Groups that are missing musical score(s) shall be allowed to perform, but for verbal comments only.

SECTION 4. Fees.
The entry fee shall be $150 for all participating groups. Fee would include a professional recording of the performance,  and are non-refundable.

SECTION 5. Sight-reading
A. Once students are seated, the director will be given the opportunity to study the score while the monitor is giving instructions. Players should not be permitted to look at their parts until given the proper signal.
B. When ready, the judge or monitor should go to the conductor’s stand and read the rules of the event and deliver such other instructions as he/she feels will assist the organization in doing the best possible job.
C. At a signal from the judge or monitor, the players will remove the musical selection from the envelope. The director will be given six minutes (total) to study the score and instruct the players for performance grade level 1-4 bands. For performance grade level 5-6 bands, the director will be given seven minutes (total) to study the score and instruct the players for performance.
D. The instruction time may be used in any manner the director wishes, with the exception of having any member play, sing, count, or clap any part.
E. In addition to reading the rules listed above, the judge or monitor  may make a few additional instructions to make the group feel at ease, and may explain unusual features of the numbers which might not be readily apparent from the conductor’s score.
F. All groups will sight-read.
G. In accordance with TBA guidelines, bands will sight-read music that corresponds with their grade music performed on stage (i.e. Band performs grade 4 on stage and then sight-read level IV (4) music.) The level will be on the cover of the score.
H. Sight-reading materials for middle school and high school bands will be purchased by WTSBOA in accordance with TBA guidelines.
SECTION 6. Student conductors
A. Bands and orchestras may enter ONE student conductor who shall conduct one number of the director’s choice to be performed before the sight reading judge. The purpose of the Student Conductor category is to provide a student with the experience of preparing a piece of music under the guidance of the student’s director.
B. Student conductors shall receive a rating of I, II, III, IV, or V.

SECTION 7. Ratings
A. In concert performance, the officials of the Association will tabulate the ratings given to each participating group and determine final composite ratings according to the following plan:
DIVISION I [“Superior”] …………………………………(1,1,1), (1,1,2), (1,1,3 ), (1,1,4), (1,1,5)
DIVISION II [“Excellent”]…….….(1,2,2), (1,2,3), (1,2,4), (1,2,5), (2,2,2), (2,2,3), (2,2,4), (2,2,5)
DIVISION III [“Good”]…(1,3,3 ),(1,3,4), (1,3,5), (2,3,3 ), (2,3,4), (2,3,5), (3,3,3 ), (3,3,4), (3,3,5)
DIVISION IV [“Fair”]…………….(1,4,4), (1,4,5), (2,4,4), (2,4,5), (3,4,4), (3,4,5), (4,4,4), (4,4,5)
DIVISION V [“Poor”]………………………………………(1,5,5), (2,5,5), (3,5,5), (4,5,5), (5,5,5)
B. In sight-reading performance, bands and orchestras will be given an overall rating of I, II, III, IV, or V for the selection performed. This rating does not affect the composite rating of the concert scores.
C. In the event of a miscalculation of a posted score/rating, a director has the option to request a formal score/rating review by the Executive Board.
D. All participating groups will receive a plaque. Groups receiving an I or a II will receive plates listing these ratings to be attached to the plaque.
E. Student conductors receiving a rating “I” will be given an award.
F. The members of organizations which receive a concert performance rating of I or II may purchase the corresponding medal.

SECTION 8. Duties of the Event Chairperson & Site Chairperson

A. Event Chairperson will arrange the following:
1.Verify housing and transportation for the judges (coordinate with the secretary/treasurer).
2. Notify judges of the schedule, event location, and lodging information.
3. Arrange for housing, transportation (if needed), and food for judges for your site.
4. Receive and record all entry forms and fees. Late entries are not to be accepted. (Refer to Article VI, Section 2B)
5. Schedule events and mail entire schedule and other information to participating schools.
6. Envelopes with participating schools’ names on them for returning adjudication forms, scores, and plaque.
7. Obtain digital recorders and batteries as well as blank CDs/Flash Drives from secretary/treasurer, if necessary
8. Provide a runner to pick up judges’ sheets from judges.
9. Arrange a performance recording to be made.
10. Create and print 100 programs per festival day.
11. Send final scores to the webmaster to be posted on the website no later than 24 hours after the event.

Duties of the Site Chairperson

B. Site Chairperson will arrange the following:
1. Rooms with chairs and stands for Concert and Sight-reading. (check with Event Chairperson for largest ensemble)
2. Large room for warm-up and a tally area.
3. Provide large percussion instruments for concert and sight-reading room. These instruments include: four (4) timpani, bass drum, xylophone, marimba, chimes and vibraphone.
4. Runners for concert judges and sight-reading judges
5. Share site map with the following information: bus parking, entry, exit, audience entrance, bell schedule, dismissal schedule.
6. Clear stage and hallways to allow for band equipment to be moved easily.

SECTION 9. Duties of the executive committee.
A. Contact host school concerning facilities and equipment.
B. Secure housing, transportation if needed, and food for judges.
C. Select judges (Past President responsibility).

SECTION 10. Duties of the secretary/treasurer
A. Contact judges.
B. Provide judges sheets for festival.
C. Provide registration materials to directors.
D. Write all checks covering expenses (included expense vouchers).
E. Check on housing and transportation for judges.
F. Have digital recorders, batteries and blank CDs (or thumb drives), pencils, plaques, and a ratings plate for event. Arrange performance recordings to be made.

SECTION 11. Duties of the Score Approval Committee
A. Review submitted music not on the current list.
B. Convene committee to assess submitted scores using the State Score Approval Form and State Score Approval Rubric, assign appropriate grading level and submit to the State Music List Committee for posting.
C. New submissions for approval must be submitted each year at the All West Convention. Submissions will be made to the current Past President and subsequent committee comprised of the former Past Presidents of WTSBOA.
D. The deadline to submit music for approval is Middle School and/or Senior High Band Convention date for bands. The deadline for orchestra is All West Orchestra Convention date.
E. Refer to Section III item A for guidelines.

SECTION 12 – Ratings Clarifications
A. The scoring breakdown of the Concert Festival assessment form will be as follows:
Concert Festival Tabulation

Article XVI - Lifetime Achievement Award

Section 1. General rules, procedures, regulations.
A. The goal is to recognize outstanding music educators for their lifetime of dedication to students and the promotion of music education throughout West Tennessee.
B. Nomination Procedure (Use the online form as a guide)
1. Biographical history of the nominee
2. Professional history of the nominee
3. Recommendations
4. Electronic photo of nominee
C. All submissions are due to the Executive committee at the final WTSBOA meeting in May.
D. The nominees will be compiled at the summer executive board meeting. The names of the individuals that are selected by the executive committee will be presented at the August meeting. The individuals selected to receive the WTSBOA Lifetime Achievement award will be recognized at the All-West Concert, their bios featured in the All-West program, and their names and bios posted on the WTSBOA website.