Jazz Band Audition Reminders

Jazz Audition Reminders:

  • Keyboard, Guitar, and Bass Amps will be provided. Bass and Guitar students must bring their own patch cords (1/4”) and instruments.
  • Bass players can audition on either double bass, electric bass, or both.
  • Drum Set Players must bring their own sticks, cymbals, snare drum, and kick pedal.
  • Students are NOT allowed to bring a written solo into their audition room. (NEW) However, written chord changes will be provided. (if needed)
  • All wind players, bassists, pianists, and guitarists will play their prepared music, sight-read, and play an improvised solo over Bb rhythm changes (one-32 bar chorus) and F Blues (2-twelve bar choruses). NEW THIS YEAR: For BOTH TRACKS, students will start improvising immediately after the count-off.
  • Drum Set players will perform their prepared music, sight-read, and improv as follows (in any order):


  • 8 bars of swing @ 220 bpm (play swing for 4 measures and solo for 4)
  • 8 bars of funk/rock @ 100 bpm (play funk/rock for 4 measures and solo for 4)
  • 8 bars of samba @ 120 bpm (play samba for 4 measures and solo for 4)